Firearms Training Courses


Oregon CHL / Utah CFP Safety Training

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The combined Oregon Concealed Handgun License (CHL) / Utah Concealed Firearm Permit (CFP) Safety Training course is approximately 5 hours and is conducted by the certified instructors at Defensive Firearms Instruction. Successful completion of the course provides you with the certificate required to apply for both your Oregon CHL and your Utah CFP.

By Oregon/Utah law if you want to carry a firearm concealed upon your person, or concealed and readily accessible within a vehicle, you must have an Oregon CHL issued by your county Sheriff’s office and a Utah CPF issued by Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI). You must be at least 21 years of age, have proof of good character – including, but not limited to: No felony convictions, misdemeanor convictions for domestic violence, or active restraining orders, and demonstrate competence with a handgun. The Oregon CHL / Utah CFP Safety Training meets the required educational requirements set by both ORS 166.291 and Utah BCI to apply. The information delivered in the safety course is cited from the National Rifle Association (NRA) , the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) , and Utah (BCI) .

Oregon CHL Reciprocity

Oregon CHL is recognized in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Vermont.

Utah CFP Reciprocity

There are some states that will only accept the Utah CFP so long as the permit holder is a resident of Utah. The following 31 states will recognize the permit holder as a non-Utah resident: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Puerto Rico.

It is the responsibility of all Oregon CHL / Utah CFP holders to know and understand the applicable firearm laws of the states within which they plan to visit or venture.

Course Topics Include

  • Firearms safety rules
  • Proper storage and transportation
  • Proper firearms handling
  • Operation and selection of the five main types of handguns
  • How to properly clean and maintain your firearm
  • Ammunition types and selection
  • Concealment considerations
  • Civil and criminal laws pertaining to carrying concealed
  • Use-of-force laws
  • Decision-making process for use of deadly force
  • Constitutional law
  • Interacting with law enforcement
  • Legal backing considerations
  • Where you can and cannot carry your firearm
  • Responsibilities associated with firearms ownership

You will need the following when you apply for your Oregon CHL

  • An appointment with your local county Sheriff’s office to submit an application
  • Certification of completion of a firearms safety class (obtained by taking this course)
  • Valid Oregon ID/Drivers License with current address
  • Birth Certificate or Passport
  • Fingerprints and (2”x2”) Passport Photo (completed during this course and included in course price)
  • Completed county application (obtained on your local county Sheriff’s Office website)
  • DD 214 (for prior military)
  • Oregon CHL payment fee of $115 (This is separate from the course fee. Confirm amount with your local county Sheriff’s office when scheduling appointment)
  • Oregon CHL renewal cost is $75.00 and can be done every 4 years.
  • Your local county Sheriff’s office must be notified within 30 days of an address change.

You will need the following to apply for the Utah CFP

  • A photocopy of your state issued Driver’s License or Photo ID (completed during course)
  • Fingerprints and (2”x2”) Passport Photo – (completed during this course and included in course price)
  • Utah CFP Application (provided)
  • Weapon Familiarity Certification (obtained by taking this course)
  • Utah CFP payment fee of $63.25 (The payment to “Utah Bureau Criminal Identification” via credit/debit card, check, money order or cashiers check is submitted with your application and is processed separately from the fee for this course. Please Note: It may take several weeks for BCI to process this payment.)
  • Mailing of packet to Utah BCI (included in course price and mailed for you)
  • Utah CFP renewal cost is $25.00 and can be done every 5 years online at the Utah BCI website.
  • Utah BCI must be notified within 30 days of an address change either by phone or mail.

What To Bring

  • Valid form of government issued Photo ID
  • Notepad
  • Pen

Note: Oregon and Utah firearms safety courses do not require live fire exercises, so no firearm is needed for the course.

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